Saturday, July 24, 2010

GEO Super Nudy Brown~ Pictures & Review

Super Nudy Brown // XCH-624 (14.8) -- AKA Wonder Eye Brown

COLOR/DESIGN: I love the color of these lenses. They are brighter than my natural eyes so I can, at least, see a definite difference there. Even in dim light the color really shows up. Design isn't so much a problem to me but it really is a speckly mess... 9/10

ENLARGEMENT: These lenses will enlarge for anybody. Disappointed I didn't get a halo and I know it's because my eyes are already big in the first place. These lenses don't 'look' as big as my big grey ones do even though they are the same size. I like how the black ring looks on these lenses 11/10

COMFORT: These lenses are comfortable and are preeetty much on the same level as my grey ones. Just like the other super nudy pair of lenses I have - they tend to get your eyes a little dry. I don't know if it's a brown thing but I always feel that these lenses are in. 8/10

ALIEN: You'll look like one without make up. My sister commented on my eyes today and, again, said they looked creepy and 'like a spider'. I blame my lashes~ My dad didn't really notice until I told him I was wearing lenses. After I told him that he took a good look and said that they were gigantic... No one really stares at me but then again I never really make eye contact with people. (mind my own business haha)

OVERALL: 10/10! These lenses do have a few minor downsides but I still love them enough to give them a perfect score. I love that the color is actually BRIGHT! They are big and do their job... I can wear them for about 6 hours, it's all good!

Creepy flash close up

Bathroom lighting (angle view?)

Bathroom/dim lighting

I know I bought these lenses from

again, not affiliated with the site~
I just bought a pair of pink lenses, hopefully I can review them next.

Monday, July 19, 2010

First day of work (OMG I accidental delete)

First of all... I waltz into here and went straight to 'edit posts' thinking these were all drafts ~_~ and decided to clear them out. HERP DERP. ANNNYWAY, I guess I'll rant about Kamen Rider W again some other day (around the last episode or something)

Thank you jeezus for caching and rss/google reader recovery ~_~


I had to get HIPAA certified today D: and they're offering a paid class to get uhh certified for CPR D:!!! Cool thing about my job is that we'll all be given ebooks so we can read books while helping people figure out how to turn their devices on ^^; Going in for training today was bizarre since so many of the people there seemed... well, really overqualified... sign of the times.

Not counting my chickens before they hatch - but I LOVE DOING IT! for too long I've been without job. I want to splurge a little on a few things. A few more pairs of lenses, definitely a pink pair. I've been wanting a pink pair since the giant geo pinks came out... Too bad it's close to impossible to find a pair in my annoying prescription. I still refuse to buy plano...\

Thoughtful edit:

4. Neo Glamour Grey (14.2)

Besides that, I'd like either a black wig or a dark brown/tea color wig. My one and only wig is ok but it has a couple annoying flaws and I'm not too crazy about the color. Besides ebay I don't know where to look... I don't even want to bother with gmarket.

Last but not least... p90x!!! dedicating an hour a day to this thing would be awesome! I'm kind of depressed these days... since I came back from Japan I've gained like half a ton. Like literally half a ton. NO, LIKE SERIOUSLY 1000 POUNDS. I need to lose at least 20 pounds *cries*

I really don't know what the problem is now. HF Corn syrup? When I was in jp, after a while I started to eat crappy konbini food... even before that I'd have tonkatsu 5 days a week and I was still losing weight xD FML

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kamen Rider W

Episode 43 is out and there are just 6 more episodes to go! (Uh, I'm assuming it's the typical 49 ep Kamen Rider) I'm kind of sad it's coming to an end already. When I'm watching this show I never want it to end =( I have to admit I didn't even finish Kiva... it just got to be really annoying, actually, haha. I'll finish it one of these days.

When I first started watching W I thought I'd never get into the characters (never mind Renn!! HEHE) but I didn't think I'd like Akiko or Phillip! Especially Phillip because I couldn't stand his fashion style.

After a million episodes I've grown to love the cast... I think they're my favorite Kamen Rider cast to date o.0

Of course I'm talking about the good guys as this excludes 'princess' Wakana, her lame sister, and the other dorks in the palace. ^^;

I kind of feel as though Terui is this season's Nago...

Both were so serious in the beginning only to turn into comedy relief. Not that I have any problem with that, it's just funny.


Off topic. I'm having a hard time coming up with a domain name. I shouldn't really move from hagane-fighter but that name kind of annoys me now. Not to mention I need to start new as there is just too much chaos within my acct.

I wanted BUT it's taken by some cheap Japanese site for debt financing ~_~ I might have to settle for

angel smile is a great Seikima-II song =(
heaven smile sounds similar but is the name of a creepy organization in the game 'Killer7'

I'll keep on thinking =3

Saturday, July 10, 2010

GEO Super Nudy Grey~ Pictures & Review

I have taken pictures of me wearing the these lenses before and have commented on them... for now I'll just do a real review~

Super Nudy Grey // XCH-625 (14.8) -- AKA Wonder Eye Grey

COLOR/DESIGN: I have to say I am slightly disappointed in the color of these lenses. Sure, they're definitely grey but they are very dark (especially when compared to the regular nudy greys) A little more of a lighter color would have made these lenses a bit better. Indoors they are pretty much black on my eyes. Design isn't so much a problem since the speckley pixelatedness is not that noticable due to the dark color. 8/10

ENLARGEMENT: If you look at the pictures below you can see how huge these lenses are. I didn't take a picture of one lens in and one out but my natural eyes are already much bigger than most people's anyway -_-; Even for me these lenses make a big difference. The black ring on the outside of the lenses isn't too thick but still make the lenses seem bigger! 11/10

COMFORT: Surprisingly for me these lenses are very comfortable. Some lenses leave me with a headache after a few hours but I can wear these for an extended period of time without problems. The only thing I can complain about would be that they do get a little dry but never to the point where it actually stiiings. Aside from making my eyes a little dry I can't really tell that they are in. 9/10

ALIEN: You'll look like one without make up that's for sure. The first time I put these in my sister said I looked like a scary bug. Load on the eyeliner/mascara/lashes and you'll be fiiine! Even with make up they are a little... unnatural looking due to size. Again, in my opinion the nudy speckly-ness isn't a problem with these lenses since they are so dark.

OVERALL: 9.5/10! These lenses are greeeaaat if you want impact~ They're big, dark, shiny and cool! - .5 for color issues... but it all depends on your eyes and your preferences.

Indoors (Bathroom light)


Outside (Close up)

Where to buy:

I'm not affiliated with this store at all. I THIIIINK this is where I bought these lenses from.

Friday, July 9, 2010

GEO Nudy Blue

A lens that has been reviewed a thousand times over. Here's another review just to hammer it in.

Nudy Blue // CH-622 (14.0)

COLOR/DESIGN: Definitely delivers in the color department. It's a blue that isn't dull and not too over the top. The design is very pixel-ey... not a natural design at all but it looks fine as long as you aren't talking face to face with someone standing right next to you. (hur hur) Depending on the lighting they blend right in. 8/10

ENLARGEMENT: If you have small eyes I guess they enlarge... The outer ring really isn't thick at all but there is a bit of enlargement for most people and for me. These lenses are only 14.0 soooo yeah. For me 5/10

COMFORT: Never had any problems with these lenses and when I did it was my fault or they didn't get rinsed well enough or something~ I can pretty much wear them for 6-8 hours with no annoying discomfort. 10/10

OVERALL: 8.5 /10! These lenses are good for color and are, what I'd like to call, trusty. They're easy to wear with minimal make up.


My camera sometimes acts... peculiar, the color is pretty much a mix between these pictures. Indoors they are pretty dull, shiny, but still maintain a noticeable blue color.

Where to buy:

I'd recommend - $19.90! Prescription to boot~

I'm not affiliated with the store at all. I didn't buy these lenses from honeycolor but I've bought from them before. I bought these lenses from when they used to sell circle lenses.